IDM Discovery
What is IDM? Intelligent dance music (abbreviated as IDM because it sounds wanky as heck otherwise) is a style of electronic music originating in the early 1990s. Emerging from music styles such as techno, acid, ambient and breakbeat, and spawning genres such as braindance. IDM is defined by individualistic experimentation and outside the box sound design.
We have scoured the internet to bring you the best IDM, Braindance and Glitch artists. You can sort by genres and moods, try combining different search parameters to find music to match your exact taste. Discover new music, videos, photos, where to buy and where to stream, artist information and similar artists.
Discover album reviews of the newest IDM and electronic music releases.
Featured Labels:
Join us over at our forum! Feel free to talk about artists, IDM news, labels, advice. You can create a profile, share music and make some like-minded friends.
We have collected some of the coolest free synths around the net for you to have a play around with, ranging from sequencers to drum machines, have a play around and see what you can create!
Confused about the dozens of subgenres? Don’t worry - so is everyone else. Discover the history of the electronic music subgenres that have shaped and influenced intelligent dance music.
Discover the history of electronic music with our library of early IDM magazines, zines, interviews and articles. No need to download anything you can read them all online for free! If you have any scans of older intelligent dance music clippings, please send them our way.
Featured livestream:
Mozyk brings us a mind blowing live stream event, featuring artists such as az-rotator, daed, and umio, get ready for a journey of 9 hours of the best idm, glitch and braindance.