Dirk Gieger
Written By Ruby Violet
Dirk Geiger was born in 1975 in Tübingen Germany. Even in his younger years he was involved in music. At the age of 15, Dirk took up DJing and within a few years began to produce his own music. In 2002, he formed the music label Raumklang Music, and also has releases on Tympanik Audio.
For the past few years Dirk Geiger has been working on a self titled solo project in which he mainly produces IDM, Ambient & Experimental.

Dirk Geiger, Category: Artist, Albums: Dreams Die Quietly, Reports from the Abyss, Fallen Empires, Dokdukov 15, Top Tracks: Reset, Reports from the Abyss, Walking with Ghosts, Fallen Empires, Anniversary of Giants, Monthly Listeners: 667, Where People Listen: Moscow, St Petersburg, Helsinki, Warsaw, Minsk
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